Goal and Objectives
The Rhodes Restoration Research Group (RRRG) takes its cue for its own goal and objectives from two well-attended workshops in 2018 and 2019 and from an ensuing praxis group that persisted though and after COVID. Although the workshops were attended by mainly academics, applied researchers & consultants, and relevant government officials, the praxis group that followed began working more closely with agriculture and other sectors. It can be expected that the content of updated objectives will in future also incorporate appropriate broader needs.
- Ultimate goal: Recognising the dynamic nature of social-ecological systems, to restore, slow down and whenever possible avoid undesirable transformation, change or degradation in thicket, and yet concurrently improve associated human and social capital.
A research and praxis program in support of this ultimate goal was formulated by 2020 and work began on its implementation. Multiple reports have detailed this progress, having started especially in the fields of certification of fibre and of wildlife farmers, incorporation of carbon and co-benefit credits into farming enterprises, as well as mapping, drone and other monitoring towards the ultimate goal.
This ultimate goal is unpacked in five now consolidated headline objectives, many of which have further influenced or been influenced by the praxis program:
- Improve ability to function as an ``open laboratory''; and to build capacity, communicate effectively and mutually change attitudes appropriately towards achieving thicket goals.
- Develop a thorough understanding of thicket.
- Conduct appropriate applied research.
- Developing an overall integrated strategy for praxis and restoration and sustainable use of thicket, pragmatic and prioritised.
- Investigate legal and other (e.g., classificational and boundary decisions) constructs where these pose unintended contradictions acting as barriers to achieving thicket goals.
- M. Powell, H. Biggs, M. Braack, and the Ntabelanga and Lalini Ecological Infrastructure Project team. 2018. Ntabelanga and Lalini ecological infrastructure project. In: A Better World Volume 3: Ensure Access to Water and Sanitation to All. Actions and Commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (Eds.: S. Nicklin, B. Cornwell, L. Trowbridge, L.) Tudor Rose: Leicester, UK; pp. 83–87. [link]
- J. Cockburn, C.G. Palmer, H. Biggs, E. Rosenberg. 2018. Navigating Multiple Tensions for Engaged Praxis in a Complex Social-Ecological System. Land, 7(4), 129. [doi:10.3390/land7040129]
- A. Sigwela, M. Elbakidze, M. Powell, P. Angelstam, 2017. Defining core areas of ecological infrastructure to secure rural livelihoods. Ecosystem Services 27: 272-280. [doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.07.010]
- C. Clark, S. Shackleton, M. Powell, 2012. Climate change perceptions, drought responses and views on carbon farming amongst commercial livestock and game farmers in the semi-arid Great Fish River Valley, Eastern Cape province, South Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 29: (1) 13-23. [doi:10.2989/10220119.2012.687041]
- M. Nocita, L. Kooistra, M. Bachmann, A. Muller, M. Powell, S. Weel. 2011. Predictions of soil surface and topsoil organic carbon content through the use of laboratory and field spectroscopy in the Albany Thicket Biome of Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Geoderma 167-168: 295-302. [doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2011.09.018]
- S. Pierce, R.M. Cowling, A. Mills, M. Powell, A. Sigwela. 2009. Restoring valuable spekboomveld using the international carbon market. BG Journal 6(1): 13-15. [link]
- A.J. Mills, J. Turpie, R.M. Cowling, C. Marais, G.I.H. Kerley, R.G. Lechmere-Oertel, A.M. Sigwela, M. Powell. 2007. Assessing costs, benefits and feasibility of subtropical thicket restoration in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. In: Restoring Natural Capital in developing countries of the South (Eds.: S. Milton, J. Aronson), Island Press, Washington DC, 2007; pp. 179-187. [link]
Conference proceedings and oral presentations
- H. Biggs, R. Grant-Biggs, M. Powell. 2022. Achieving collective standpoints and action on thicket matters such as clearing. Thicket Forum Annual Conference, June 2022, Addo National Park.
- M. Powell, N. Huchzermeyer. 2021. The Role of Restoration. Conservation Landscapes Institute Conference, 19 May 2021, Lalibela Private Game Reserve.
- M. Powell. 2018. Lessons from the Tsitsa Project. KZN Contemporary Conservation Symposium, 6-9 November 2018. Lions River, South Africa.
- M. Powell. 2018. Rainfall interception in mesic thicket – preliminary results. Thicket Forum Conference, Addo Elephant National Park, Addo, South Africa.
- M. Powell. 2017. Is the restoration of degraded areas of Albany Thicket, using woody species really not ecologically feasible? Thicket Forum Conference, Addo Elephant National Park, Addo, South Africa.
- M. Powell. 2017. Towards restoration protocols for woody plant species in the Albany Thicket Biome. Department of Environmental Science Annual Research Symposium, Grahamstown.
- J-R. Pool, B.S. Ripley, M. Powell, M. 2012. The carbon content of Portulacaria afra. South Africa Association of Botanists 38th Annual Conference, Pretoria 15th - 18th January 2012.
- R.M. Cowling, A.J. Mills, A. Sigwela, M.J. Powell, C.M. Marais, C.M. 2009. Transdisciplinary learning organisations, restoration and carbon. Biodiversitas Conference October 2009.
- C. Marais, R.M. Cowling, M. Powell, A. Mills. 2009. Establishing the platform for a carbon sequestration market in South Africa: The Working for Woodlands Subtropical Thicket Restoration Programme. Proceedings of the XIII World Forestry Congress Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18–23 October 2009.
- M. Powell, M. Zylstra. 2009. The Subtropical Thicket Restoration Programme: Community benefits. Oral Paper presented at the special session of Protocols for Restoration in Protected Areas at the Annual Society for Ecological Restoration Conference in Perth Australia.
- M.J. Powell, C.M. Shackleton, A.J. Mills, R.M. Cowling. 2008. Spekboom survivorship during subtropical thicket restoration – what have we learnt? Thicket Forum Annual Conference, Thomas Baines Nature Reserve, Goldfield Education Centre, 20-22 August 2008.
- A. Mills, M. Powell, R. Cowling, C. Shackleton, C. Marais. 2007. Restoring degraded landscapes for ecosystem service delivery: prospects for a semi-arid African ecosystem. Society for Conservation Biology, Annual Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
- A.J. Mills, M. Powell, R.M. Cowling, C.M. Shackleton, A. Sigwela, C. Marais. 2007. Carbon sequestration in Eastern Cape thicket: prospects for large scale restoration on the back of international carbon markets. South African Wildlife Management Association Conference.
- M.J. Powell, A. Mills, R. Cowling, C. Marais, C. Shackleton. 2007. Restoring degraded landscapes for ecosystem service delivery: Prospects from a semi-arid African ecosystem. Society for Conservation Biology, Annual Conference Proceedings.
Reports, plans, and other products
- R. Grant-Biggs, M. Powell. 2022. Praxis Report no. 1 – progress report March 2021 – October 2022. Rhodes Restoration Research Group, Rhodes University, Grahamstown; 13 pages.
- M.J. Powell, N. Huchzermeyer. 2022. Rapid Desktop Assessment: The estimated standing carbon stocks, and potential for sequestering additional carbon through restoration of degraded vegetation for the farms known as Mountain Top. Report produced for Game-For-Africa.
- Scherman Environmental. 2022. Multiple reports:
- Msenge Wind Energy Facility Walkthrough Report.
- IziDuli Wind Energy Facility Walkthrough Report.
- Msenge Wind Energy Facility Basic Assessment Report.
- Msenge Wind Energy Facility Revegetation and Rehabilitation Report.
- Msenge Wind Energy Facility Alien Invasive Species Management Plan.
- Msenge Wind Energy Facility Plant Rescue and Protection Plan.
- IziDuli Wind Energy Facility Revegetation and Rehabilitation Report.
- IziDuli Wind Energy Facility Alien Invasive Species Management Plan.
- Iziduli Wind Energy Facility Plant Rescue and Protection Plan.
- Tsitsa Project. 2021. The Tsitsa Approach to Sustainable Land Management and Rehabilitation. Department of Environmental Science, Rhodes University, Makhanda. [link]
- N. Huchzermeyer, M.J. Powell. 2021. Multiple internal reports for the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment, Chief Directorate: Natural Resource Management, Cape Town, South Africa:
- Potential for megaherbivore migration and an intact habitat corridor between protected areas in the Kariega River Catchment.
- Potential for a Safety Corridor and Intact Habitat Corridor for Black Rhino between Kariega Private NR and the Shamwari/Lalibela NR complex.
- Potential for a safety corridor and intact habitat corridor between protected areas in the Kowie River Catchment.
- Potential for a Research Farm in the Xeric Thicket of the Great Fish River Valley.
- Current and potential carbon projection for a conservation landscape within the Addo-Fish Corridor of the Albany Thicket.
- The motivation for the location of a research facility for restoration of xeric thickets.
- The motivation for the location of a research facility for restoration and a facility for the mass production of woody and other species.
- M.J. Powell, R. Grant-Biggs, H. Biggs, N. Huchzermeyer. 2021. Tanglewood Conservation Area: Draft Research Framework and Preliminary Objectives. Internal Report for the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment, Chief Directorate: Natural Resource Management, Cape Town, South Africa.
- M.J. Powell, N. Huchzermeyer. 2020. Assessment for the Addo to Fish River Corridor Ad Hoc report to the Wilderness Foundation Africa. Rhodes Restoration Research Group, Rhodes University, Makhanda.
- C. Bolus, M. Powell, M. Ngwenya. 2019. Final carbon baseline report for the Jobs for Carbon Project – intact subtropical thicket, Van Wyksdorp, Western Cape.
- R. Grant-Biggs, H. Biggs, K. Lunderstedt, M. Powell. 2019. The Albany Thicket Biome Research and Praxis Research Framework Meeting – Workshop proceedings from 23rd-24th October 2018. DEA NRM, Cape Town. [pdf]
- R. Grant, K. Smart, H. Biggs, M. Powell. 2019. Outcome of two workshops to develop a research framework for the Subtropical (Albany) Thicket Biome. Report produced for Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment, Chief Directorate: Natural Resource Management, Cape Town South Africa. [pdf]
- Rhodes Restoration Research Group, 2019.
- Vegetation cover change on Farm 606, Grahamstown. DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- Vegetation cover change on Farm 151, Bathurst. DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- Rhodes Restoration Research Group, 2018.
- GIS desktop assessment of vegetation cover change on Kabafontein Farm 266, Alexandria. DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- GIS desktop assessment of vegetation cover change on Sunnyside Farm, Alexandria. DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- GIS desktop assessment of vegetation cover change on Kruisfontein Farm, Alexandria. DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- Regional assessment of forest and thicket transformation in Alexandria District, Eastern Cape. DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- B. Van der Waal, K. Rowntree, J. le Roux, J. Buckle, H. Biggs, M. Braack, M. Kawa, M. Wolff, T. Palmer, L. Sisitka, M. Powell, R. Clark. 2018. The Tsitsa Project: Restoration and Sustainable Land Management Plan - Working Together Adaptively to Manage and Restore Ecological Infrastructure for Improved Livelihoods and Futures. T35A-E (Phase 1 of TP). Version 1. DEA NRM, Cape Town. [link]
- C. Bolus, M. Powell, M. Ngwenya. 2017. Final carbon baseline report for the Jobs for Carbon Project – degraded subtropical thicket, Van Wyksdorp, Western Cape.
- K. Lunderstedt, N. Mtati, M. Ntshudu, M. Powell, D. Weyer, B. van der Waal. 2017. Participatory Mapping for the Restoration and SLM Plan for T35A-1. Report no. 1 Batlokoa Traditional Authority: DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- K. Lunderstedt, N. Mtati, M. Ntshudu, M. Powell. 2017. Participatory Mapping for the Restoration and SLM Plan for T35A-1.
- Report no. 2 Elangeni Traditional Authority: DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- Report no. 3 Northern Mpondomise Traditional Authority: DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- Report no. 4 Basuto Traditional Authority: DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- Report no. 5 Lower and Upper Tsitsana Traditional Authority: DEA NRM, Cape Town.
- K. Lunderstedt, M. Powell. 2017. ABFRP Biodiversity Baseline Report. Unpublished reports for the Chief Directorate Natural Resource Management: Department of Environmental Affairs:
- Part 1: Addo Main.
- Part 2: Darlington.
- Part 3: Baviaanskloof.
- Part 4: Kabouga.
- Part 5: Cambdeboo.
- C. Fabricius, H. Biggs, M. Powell. 2016. The Ntabelanga and Lalini Ecological Infrastructure Project: Research Investment Plan. Report for Department of Environmental Affairs. [link]
- A. Mills, J. Reeler, S-J. Fox, M. Matthew, M. Powell, R. Cowling. 2011. Voluntary Carbon Standard Project Description: Addo Elephant National Park, Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve and Great Fish River
- Nature Reserve Restoration Project (ABFRP). Ver 3.1. Natural Resource Management Program, Department of Environmental Affairs.
- A. Skowno, M. Powell, J. Vlok. 2011. Assessment of the thicket restoration potential in the Camdeboo Region, Eastern Cape. Unpublished Report for the Climate Action Partnership.
- M. Manders, J. Blignaut, M. van Niekerk, R. Cowling, M. Horan, D. Knoesen, M. Mills, M. Powell, R. Schulze. 2010. Baviaans-Tsitsikamma Payment for Ecosystem Services:
- A Feasibility Assessment. Executive Summary. 9 pp.
- Synthesis Report. 53 pp.
- A. Mills, J. Blignaut, R.M. Cowling, A. Knipe, C. Marais, S. Marias, M. Powell, A. Sigwela, A. Skowno. 2010. Investing in sustainability. Restoring degraded thicket, creating jobs, capturing carbon and earning green credits. Eds. Pierce, S. & Skowno, A. Cape Town: Climate Action Partnership and Wilderness Foundation.
- M. Powell, J. Raath, C. Bolus, A. Gravett, G. Stroud. 2010.
- Plant biodiversity and carbon stock baselines for Sandland Property, Baviaanskloof Mega Reserve. Unpublished Report for the Wilderness Foundation.
- Plant biodiversity and carbon stock baselines for the Diversitas Conference held in Cape Town 2009. Unpublished Report for the Living Lands Group.
- M. Powell, J. Raath, J. Vlok, C. Bolus, A. Vlok, A. Gravett, B. Robinson. 2010. Plant biodiversity and carbon stock baselines for Groenefontein Nature Reserve. Unpublished Report for Columbit Pty Ltd.
- M. Powell, C. Vlok. 2010. Baviaanskloof Subtropical Thicket Restoration.
- M. Powell, J. Vlok, R. Jakob, C. Kathy. 2010. Subtropical Thicket Restoration Programme (STRP) Greater Addo Elephant National Park Spatial Restoration Plan. Spatial Restoration Plan – Darlington Dam Section. Unpublished Report for South African National Parks.
- J. Blignaut, R. Cowling, K. Knipe, C. Marais, S. Marais, A. Mills, M. Powell, A. Sigwela, A. Skowno. 2009. Investing in sustainability, capturing carbon and earning green credit. Restoring degraded thicket, creating jobs. Climate Action Partnership.
- M. Powell, M. Mander. 2009. Water Services Suppliers Report. Baviaanskloof Tsitsikamma Payment For Ecosystem Services Project. Future Works, Everton.
- M. Powell, R. Cowling, A. Mills. 2009.
- Vegetation Management Cost Report. Baviaanskloof Tsitsikamma Payment For Ecosystem Services Project. Future Works, Everton.
- Vegetation Management for the optimal supply of water and carbon sequestration services. Baviaanskloof Tsitsikamma Payment For Ecosystem Services Project. Future Works, Everton.
- M.J. Powell. 2009. The restoration of degraded subtropical thickets in the Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape South Africa – the role of carbon stocks and Portulacaria afra survivorship. MSc thesis. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. [link]